Flow of Growth and Transformation

Flow of Growth and Transformation

Ongoing program for personal development with Astrology

It's time for a new adventure and you are welcome to join 🤗 The main purpose of this program is to provide ideas, knowledge, and inspiration, so that you can grow and achieve the things that are important for your own development.

We'll talk about Astrology, psychology, spirituality, and transformational techniques.

You will be able to learn new things; explore and get in touch with your own resources; expand your consciousness; develop and transform; be part of a community of like-minded souls.


The program includes regular live Zoom meetings with accessible recordings for a month

Exclusive videos and posts available only for our community

Secret bonuses and surprises 

The schedule, time and topics will vary - we'll go with the Flow ☺️

The main platform where it will be hosted is Telegram (you can always create a free account)

There is a discussion group where you can ask questions, share your experience and suggest topics you would be interested in 

When you decide to join the program you get the chance to make a commitment in front of yourself that you are ready for growth and transformation. And this is one of the main keys that will support your progress. You will get the best results if you make this step with the intention that this will be your long-term choice. However, you will always have the option to cancel your participation or change your plan.

Choose the best plan for yourself

In addition to joining the Flow of Growth and Transformation, you can also sign up for regular Astro-GSR sessions that will accelerate your development and progress. GSR is a method for deep subconscious transformation that sets you free from limiting patterns, barriers, and repetitive scenarios. The combination between Astrology and GSR is absolutely revolutionary - we get the clarity and deeper understanding through Astrology and we transform your energy with GSR.

Join the Flow of Growth and Transformation - $ 50/month*

Best option for people who are ready to make the next step towards their own growth.

Join the Flow of Growth and Transformation + 1 Astro-GSR session - $ 1 50/month*

Best option for people who are ready to commit to their own development. You get one personal Astro-GSR session and a short monthly Astrology reading. The reading will guide you about the most accentuated topics for you during the month. It's a great idea to work on those themes with GSR too.

Join the Flow of Growth and Transformation + 4 Astro-GSR session - $ 500/month*

Best option for people who are ready for deep personal transformation and want to work strategically and consistently on improving their own life.

* After you sign up for the Flow of Growth and Transformation you will be able to join the Telegram group right away. Each month you will be charged automatically on the same date of the month. You can cancel your participation or change your plan at any time - to do that you need to contact me HERE at least 2 days before your next automatic payment. All sales are final and we don't offer refunds.