Don't worry, not everybody is born and raised with a positive mindset, but the good news is that you can consciously change that! What does it mean to have a positive mindset and how it can improve your wellbeing?
Listen to this episode to find out!
Listen to the show
You will learn
- How you can create a positive mindset
- What might stop or block you
- What are the benefits of having a positive mindset
Hello, dear friend, this episode will be a very positive one. Because we will talk about a positive mindset. What does it mean? How you can get yourself one, what can stop you from having it what might be the potential blockages, and, of course, how you can embrace this and how beneficial it can be for your whole life and overall, well being. The reason why I decided to make this episode for you was because a couple of people recently, were kind of surprised from my own mindset. We were having some kind of things we needed to solve in terms of work, and not only and it wasn't very clear whether and how something will work out. And I was just saying, you know what, there must be a way, everything will be fine, we'll we'll find the way. And the other person was like, okay, that's a very good attitude. And I'm, you know, quite surprised. And what I wasn't realising is that not everyone has this positive mindset, it can be quite rare. But it can be so helpful. So, again, my inspiration is coming from my own experiences. And I can definitely say that today, I am a person who has a very positive mindset. And I can also say that it hasn't always been the case. Especially when I was younger, as a teenager, I have had some pretty serious kind of dorky faces. And I needed to learn this. So I'm not initially born with this, or at least it took some time, until it can be unleashed. So if you don't consider yourself as someone who has a positive mindset, you should know that this can be changed. Yes, we all have something which is more typical, kind of like close to our nature. But of course, we can grow, we can develop, we can change consciously. So by having a positive mindset, what I mean, is the idea that you will find the way that you will solve things. Even if there is a problem, even if you don't know the answer, actually, especially when you don't know what you should do and how you should do it. Keeping this attitude and mindset that you will figure it out, you will find the way, it must be possible. That's incredibly helpful. And guess what your real chances for success are much higher in this case. And of course, even your daily emotional state is much more comfortable. And I'm not saying that you should be denying the reality, or escaping from this or that you should pretend that the problems are not there. I'm telling you, actually quite the opposite. Be realistic. Look at the real situation. But keep the attitude that eventually you will find a way to figure it out to solve it, to fix it to improve it to achieve it whatever you are pursuing. Because sometimes people think that being positive, or having a positive mindset means you should only see the good stuff that you should be constantly, you know, like, excited flying around like a happy butterfly. And you know, wearing your pink glasses. That's denial. That's kind of the opposite. That means being afraid of looking at the problems and pretending that everything is okay. This does not equal positive mindset. positive mindset means being realistic, looking at things the way they are recognising the problems, recognising the mistakes, recognising your weaknesses. So it all starts with the truth with the way things are admitting, accepting, embracing that.
But then, knowing that you can change things, you can turn them around. And some things are quite easy. Some things you can change over a night, or a week or a month. Others require consistency, and hard work and finding resources. And it's a process. But the important thing is keeping the positive mindset. If there is a way, I will find it, I will make things happen.
That's it. And again, if you don't have this initially, it's not a condition for life, you can change this. And what can be stopping you is another big question that you need to explore. Where this may come from, for example, if you have a more kind of like, typical negative mindset, you are kind of afraid that something will go wrong, or something won't work very well, or that it's not enough or you're not enough. Where is that coming from? Very often, there is something in our early childhood, in the family environment. And, or very often we adapt this mindset that you should always be ready, ready for potential problems, that it never works very well. And in ancient times, or even if not so ancient times, but like previous generations, people have lived a very different life. And for a huge part of human history. Having a negative mindset, or being constantly prepared to recognise potential problems, has been the more helpful strategy when there has been a war in previous times when things haven't been very certain. And of course, they're never really certain, even in nowadays, think about what happened with the pandemic. I mean, nature can always find ways to test us and provoke us. But generally speaking, in ancient times with it, and also for the previous generations, even like 5080 100 years ago, being positive might have meant that you may miss a potential threat, you can be in a dangerous situation and you may not recognise that something may hurt you. So for a very, very long time, having more focus on the negativity has helped people survive, this has been the strategy, the most helpful attitude. But things are changing. And luckily, we are evolving. And also we can consciously make decisions. If you are listening to this podcast, then you know that this is possible, or at least you want to learn how to do it. And that my friend is the first step of course. First pay attention to yourself. Honestly, without those few people being kind of surprised and amazed from my reactions. I didn't really pay much attention to that. If someone has asked have asked me. Are you having a positive mindset? Yes, I would say yeah, I totally do. But I didn't really give myself enough credit for that. And the more I think about it, the more I recognise how helpful it is, for me, and not only for everyone I know with this mindset. So again, to know that you can find the way if there is a way you will search for it, you will find it, you will try new things, if you fail, you will keep going. That's the positive mindset. Because the opposite possibility is facing where the challenge and giving up and giving up is much worse than failure. Sometimes, you may refocus, you may readjust your goals. And that's totally valid. So it's not giving up, it's readjustment. But if you stop pursuing something, because you feel like you won't be able to do it, or you feel like there is no way, but you still want it, and it's still important than meaningful. That's just a negative mindset, then giving up I want to talk also about some other possible topics that are related to having a positive or negative mindset, and a big part in this place, our culture. And, of course, we have listeners from different countries, from different continents, and we may have different cultures. But in certain way, they are all affecting us. And in many cultures, this is also kind of more accepted, to be prepared to be more modest, to kind of like, do things small. And it could also be related to the culture of your own family. What was the general attitude of your parents or the people that have raised you. And, of course, we are modelling that. Sometimes we may go in another direction. If that's a positive direction, great. But very often, at least at first, we are modelling. For example, in our language, we have a saying, which sounds something like that. If things are too good, then they will lead to something bad. It's not a very direct translation, but that's the meaning. So imagine having this belief that if something is too positive, something bad will happen. Okay, so you cannot allow yourself to be really positive. In this case, can you and those sayings or quotes or beliefs, they are planted in our mind, from a very young age. And those are very important. You, you may not think about this on a daily basis or regularly. But it's kind of like part of your beliefs in a way. So what you need to do is, make a decision and define what you really want to believe yourself. Another direction is also related to having the idea that being too positive means also being superficial. And this absolutely doesn't need to be true. You can be positive, and at the same time, very realistic and having a serious attitude and exploring things on a very deep level. Positive does not equal superficial. I think that also when positive affirmations became so popular, some people also decided that that's Just too superficial, it's not really working. And I do believe in affirmations, I also know that there is deeper work that's required, generally speaking. But some times we kind of like take this as if something is very easy, then perhaps it doesn't really work. And being positive, may kind of like seem too superficial and too easy yet, okay, then this just doesn't work. And that's so wrong. That's incredibly wrong. So think about your general mindset, your general attitude. And of course, don't be extreme. The point that you have a positive mindset is to have it most of the time, every now and then, of course, everyone may have their bad days or something that triggers them more. But we're talking about the general attitude. Who are you? And what do you think most of the time, that's what matters. If you focus on positive ideas or positive mindset, every now and then it won't work. And also, if every now and then you have a negative thought, or a negative expectation, it won't be such a big deal as well. So the point here is what is happening most of the time. So don't think that you need to be perfect, don't need to, don't think that you need to judge yourself. If sometimes you feel discouraged. As soon as you catch yourself, just step out of the situation, look at things and make a new decision. And one more thing I want to address here is also what do you recognise as your own identity in regards to having a positive or negative mindset? I was talking to someone and they said they admitted that they have regular negative thoughts, negative expectations, they constantly think that something bad will happen to them that they won't handle, you know, this pattern. So the person admitted that, and they continued talking and, you know, like, it was kind of like a monologue, saying that, okay, but how can I change this, it's who I am. Bank, that's the blockage. When the person recognises it as who they are, it means they are linking this to their identity, that's very difficult to change. Or you may even believe that it's impossible to change. So what I want to suggest instead is to look at things as something you are doing, not so much as who you are, it's much easier to change what you're doing than it is to change who you are. So instead of focusing on, you know, I am a person who has a negative mindset, it's just who I am. Think about it as, okay, identity to have more negative thoughts, I tend to think more negatively or to have a scarcity mindset, that my friend is much easier to change. So break things down into specific things, and what you are doing, for example, you have a challenge, you think you won't handle with that or you think you won't be good enough or whatever. Don't think of it as I have to change who I am. The easier change is the change of our actions. That's the simplest thing you can do changing your actions. And you feel like you know, you just have much more control. Because generally, we feel like our identity. It's something which is constant. Which by the way is not necessarily true because eventually you Your identity also changes. But don't use this identity focus as a justification to keep having a negative mindset. Instead, refocus on the actions you can take in what you are doing generally, instead of using labels like I am this, I am that it won't work. Especially if you start with the negative mindset. If initially you have a positive mindset, then yes, it's easier to change your identity as well. If you have a more negative mindset, then focus more on the actions and the small steps as well. So I hope I have inspired your imagination. Think about it, it's possible that maybe you haven't analysed yourself so much. It's also quite possible that things have changed over time. So we are adults here we have had years of living on this earth. And sometimes we tend to focus on things that have been true for us. years ago, sometimes even decades ago, we change but we don't necessarily kind of like mark this change. So I want to invite you to make an audit or analyse yourself, and what's your general attitude. And again, sometimes, it can be a very fast change, just making the decision. You know what, from today, I will focus on the things that I can do. And the idea that I will find a way that's what I'm inviting you to do. We don't deny the reality. We are not hiding from the problems. We see them and we just know that we will handle what I want to invite you to do. Thank you so much for joining me in this episode. It was a positive one as I promised you. And I hope that it will help you to develop and embrace an even more positive mindset because it is possible. So have faith. keep taking action and you will see amazing results. Thank you so much for joining me and I will catch you next time.