A Psychological Program for Body Transformation

Get in the best shape and heal your relationship with your body

Personal program for healing the psychological reasons causing weight issues and/or preventing you from getting in the shape you are dreaming about

The program would work great for people who:

- would like to heal any psychological reason that causes problems with their weight, eating habits, or physical activity

- want to lose weight but don't have motivation or struggle to follow through

- have issues with food - overeating, emotional eating, etc.

- would like to follow a nutritional and exercise plan but they can't

- want to start accepting and loving their body

- wish to have more energy and will power to do what's good for them

What's included:

🌟 Astrology analysis that would help to define your main body/energy constitution, the possible issues related to it, and the best solutions

🌟 10 GSR sessions focused on your specific needs. I recommend starting with the following standard sessions if they resonate with you:

- Adequatization of the process - in this session we work on your expectations, what kind of results you are pursuing, and possible self-sabotaging patterns that can affect your transformational process

- Hopelessness or feeling that nothing ever works for you and doubts/fear that this process will not work either. This session is recommended for people who have already tried many things or have struggled with their weight/body image for years

- Possible negative feelings or lack of acceptance of the way your body looks and feels right now. Those feelings can block the change of your body and other things that can make you feel good about yourself

- The rest of the sessions depend on your personal preferences and needs. I will send you a list of possible feelings/experiences that are usually associated with weight and food issues. You can explore them and see which resonate with you.

You don't need to have problems in order to sign up for the program. It would work great for you if you want to feel even better, be more connected to your body, eat healthier, get better results with your gym/fitness practice.

Promo Price: $ 1200
Regular Price: $ 1500

Watch the video series below to find the most common psychological reasons for weight loss and body issues.