New Course - Astrology and Creativity - March 23

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Astrology Remediation - Overcome your own limitations 

Do you want to resolve a particular problem or improve a specific area in your life? Or maybe you want to grow and go beyond your own limitations? Your birth chart will reveal the solutions! 

The essence:
1. You can define your main purpose - the problem you want to resolve or an area you wish to improve.
2. I analyze your horoscope from different angles and I make a list of specific recommendations that will bring the missing energy and balance.
3. You need to follow those recommendations, so that you can see the desired results.

The analysis you will receive is unique.
One of the secrets of the deep and accurate Astrology interpretation is that everything in the chart is connected. Once we understand how those connections work in your horoscope, we receive the map for your desired destination. We need to find your greatest strengths and even more importantly - your greatest weaknesses. 

To do that we need to start with a traditional analysis - strong, weak, and missing elements in chart, accentuated planets, houses, and aspects. Then comes the special part - I use a unique approach in which I analyze the connections between planets based on chains of dispositions and detriment influences. For example when certain sign energy is accentuated, it always bring positives and negatives. Let's say that you have a strong Aries energy. It will accelerate your Mars (independence, impulsiveness, ability to take risks, etc) and at the same time it will weaken your Venus, because Venus is in detriment in Aries (delicacy and patience, ability to relax and enjoy comfort, compromises, etc. will be problematic).

Based on this approach we'll find those hidden influences from the planets which can bring blockages and weaknesses. In other words - you will know which is the weakest point in your chart that is holding your progress down (we all have such 🙂 ). The intentional focus on developing this part will allow you to make progress in any area of your life.

Holistic recommendations.
Once I have defined the root of your problem, you will know which is the most important focus you need to work on that is linked to your desired result. I will make a list of concrete steps you can take that will bring the missing balance and allow your energy to flow smoother. Some of them are:

1. Colours you can add to your outfit and surrounding environment.
2. Foods that enhance the missing energy.
3. Gemstones that activate the needed energy.
4. Spiritual practices and exercises that will help you develop the missing parts. 

Please, keep in mind:
- you can define one specific problem or area you would like to address, but in general the analysis and the recommendations you will receive can support any area of your life, because they will be focused on strengthening the weakest part in your system
- you need to follow the recommendations, so that you can see the desired results
- this reading is also a great foundation for a following GSR session. Learn more here.

Format: You will get a personal video recorded reading

Price: $ 100

Astrology Study - Exploration of your Flow of Life

This reading includes:
- Rectification
- 50 pages with the most important long term cycles, stages and shifts in your life (until the age of 100)
- analysis of your natal chart
- 2-3 hour video recording with in-depth analysis of the Astrology events described in your written report

The reading is focused on the most important secondary progressions which define the processes in your life.

First you will find the events listed by category:
- Dynamic of the Astrology pattern

Illustrates fundamental changes in the structure of our psyche and the direction in which our development goes.

- Dynamic of the elements and the modalities

Reveals the different energies and qualities we need to embrace during different periods in our life.

- Ingressions of planets in signs

Long term periods during which we need to embrace new qualities, skills, and habits.

- Ingressions of cusps of houses

Long term changes that affect concrete areas of our life.
Ingressions of planets in houses
Reveal in which areas we may have more impact through our actins, depending on the shifts of the placement of the planets in houses.

- Lunar cycles

We start with exploring the prenatal New Moon - it shows past processes that are affecting us in the present. After that we explore the progressed New Moons which mark 30-year cycles defining different themes in our life. We also analyze the other phases of the lunar cycles - Full Moons and quarters, which illustrate how certain theme developed in time.

- Stationary phases

Each planet except for the Sun and the Moon has a direct and retrograde phase. The stationary phases are the periods when the planet is changing its direction. Those shifts play a major role in terms of how we process the energy of the planet

- Retrograde cycles

Mercury, Venus and Mars have retrograde cycles which bring profound shifts on our mind, feelings, and personal will.

- Life defining aspects

These are the aspects that affect you for decades or sometimes even during your whole life

After that the same events will be listed in chronological order and we’ll explore how together they create the dynamic in your life.

You can find an example of the written report HERE!

Watch the video below to see an example of the reading you will get 👇

Price: $ 1000

karmic astrology course picture

Personal Astrology Session

I have over 10 years of experience in Astrology, psychology, and various alternative and transformational practices. Through a reading with me, I can assist you in finding the right answers, guiding you towards the appropriate directions and providing you with the necessary tools to unlock your full potential and discover your unique path.

My approach blends the spiritual and the practical aspects of life. Although we are all spiritual beings, we inhabit physical bodies and exist within a material reality. True fulfillment occurs when we can bridge these two realms harmoniously.

My Astrology work is particularly beneficial for people who take responsibility for their lives and seek to understand their potential, as well as when and how to unleash it. A session with me can shed light on blind spots, potential self-sabotaging strategies, and subconscious patterns.

Furthermore, it can reveal how to engage with the external reality, highlighting areas that require focus and providing insights into the potential scenarios you may encounter, along with the best courses of action to undertake.

Most importantly, we can explore your inner resources, potential, and talents. This exploration allows us to define a developmental path that, when followed, enables personal growth in both the spiritual and material realms.

I employ multiple predictive methods to help you comprehend the current cycles and planetary phases that influence you, while also providing guidance on how to make the most of these influences. However, please note that I am not a fortune teller, and my role does not involve making guesses. While I can pinpoint favorable periods for specific activities and events, the outcomes will also depend on your actions and engagement with the process.

Important: The focus of our work is defined by you. Your priorities and questions determine the scope of my analysis. Furthermore, the results you achieve will be influenced by your application of what you learn and your actions on both internal and external levels.

During our session, we can delve into any question or life area of your choosing.

However, my areas of specialization are as follows:

  1. Psychological Astrology: A profound exploration of your inner world, identifying blind spots and uncovering subconscious patterns. I provide insights into general and current phases of emotional and psychological transformation and offer guidance on supporting yourself throughout the process.
  2. Health Astrology: An investigation into the underlying causes of various physical and psychological conditions. This analysis helps you identify inner conflicts that require attention, empowering you to support your own recovery and improve your overall well-being.
  3. Astrology of Development, Growth, and Evolution: An assessment of your personal path of evolution on both spiritual and material levels. I identify the inner qualities you need to develop, highlight areas for growth, and offer practical guidance to help you unleash your potential in reality.

I offer a Personal Astrology Session lasting 60 minutes, which can be conducted live on Zoom or recorded for your convenience.

Price: $ 160

Child Horoscope

Discovering and nurturing the unique qualities and potential of your child is a journey every parent embarks upon. The Child Horoscope is focused on providing you with invaluable insights into your child's temper, character, strengths, and challenges, allowing you to support them on their path to personal growth and success.

Understanding Your Child's Temper and Character

You will get a comprehensive analysis of your child's temperament and character. We'll delve into the celestial alignments at the time of their birth to reveal the core qualities that define their personality. This understanding serves as a powerful tool for parents to connect with their child on a deeper level and foster a nurturing environment tailored to their needs.

Unearthing Their Main Strengths and Talents

Every child possesses a unique set of gifts and talents waiting to be uncovered. You'll gain access to a treasure trove of information about your child's inherent abilities. By recognizing and nurturing these strengths, you can empower your child to shine in their chosen pursuits and build a foundation for a future filled with success and fulfillment.

Identifying Potential Challenges and Blockages

We pinpoint potential challenges and blockages that your child may encounter on their life journey. Armed with this knowledge, you can proactively guide your child through difficult times and help them develop resilience, turning obstacles into stepping stones to personal growth.

Price: $ 150

Child and Parent Horoscope

This reading includes everything covered in the Child Horoscope plus:

Understanding Temperamental Differences and Similarities

We'll explore the interplay of temperaments between you and your child. We'll highlight both the striking similarities and nuanced differences in your personalities, allowing you to navigate potential difficulties with greater empathy and grace. By gaining a deeper understanding of these dynamics, you'll be better equipped to nurture your child's individuality while maintaining a strong bond.

Exploring Generational and Ancestral Themes

Family is a tapestry woven through generations, carrying with it recurring life themes and patterns. This reading unveils the generational and ancestral themes that your child has inherited from your family system. This profound insight can help you identify patterns that may be influencing your child's life choices and experiences. Armed with this knowledge, you can guide your child towards a path of self-awareness and personal growth, breaking free from the limiting generational patterns.

Enhancing Your Parent-Child Relationship

You will receive a detailed analysis of your parent-child relationship. It will provide valuable insights into how your unique personalities interact, giving you a ideas on how to to improve and strengthen your connection. By understanding the dynamics at play, you'll be empowered to create a supportive, loving, and harmonious family environment.

Promo Price: $ 200
(Regular Price $ 250)

Astro-GSR Transformation Session

Experience the powerful combination of Astrology and GSR in this transformative session, consisting of two integral parts:

  1. Astrology Analysis: Delve into the theme you wish to address and explore potential blockages that need to be released or untapped resources waiting to be discovered. Through Astrology, we'll uncover valuable insights and guidance specific to your journey.
  2. GSR Session: Embark on a profound subconscious transformation that will liberate you from limiting scenarios and unlock your untapped resources. GSR empowers you to rewrite deep-seated beliefs and patterns, enabling profound personal growth and empowerment.

During the Astro-GSR Session, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges you face and the hidden potential within you. Together, we'll work towards releasing blockages and activating your inner resources, fostering personal transformation and empowering you to lead a more fulfilling life.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative Astro-GSR journey? Book your session now and discover the profound impact it can have on your life.

The session is online and lasts around 30-40 min.

Learn more about GSR and its benefits.

Price: $ 200

Unleashing the Power of Lunar Nodes: Astro-GSR Transformation Program

Are you ready to release the shackles of your past and pave the way for a fulfilling future aligned with your soul's purpose? This transformative journey combines the wisdom of Astrology and the profound impact of GSR - the deepest method for subconscious transformation. The program consists of three integral parts designed to empower your personal growth:

  1. South Node Exploration: Dive deep into your South Node, unraveling old limiting patterns that have been holding you back. Through Astrology, we'll shed light on these patterns, enabling you to release them and create space for new possibilities.
  2. North Node Activation: Connect with your North Node and tap into your vast potential for growth. Discover the path that aligns with your soul's purpose and unlocks your true potential. Astrology will guide us in uncovering the gifts and qualities you need to cultivate to embark on this transformative journey.
  3. Astro-GSR Sessions: Experience the power of Astro-GSR through personal online sessions, each lasting approximately 1.5 hours. This unique blend of Astrology and guided subconscious reprogramming will help you break free from limitations, rewrite your beliefs, and align your subconscious mind with your desired future.

By participating in the Unleashing the Power of Lunar Nodes program, you'll embark on a profound personal transformation, clearing the path for a more gratifying and purposeful life.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Book your sessions now and unlock the untapped potential of your Lunar Nodes with the powerful combination of Astrology and GSR.

The package includes 1 Astrology session and 2 Astro-GSR sessions.

Learn more about GSR and its benefits.

Price: $ 350

Birth Time Rectification

Discover the precise moment of your birth through the Birth Time Rectification service. By using significant events from your past, I will calculate the exact time of your birth. Accurate birth data is vital for a precise analysis of your horoscope.

Please note that the Birth Time Rectification service solely focuses on determining the correct time of your birth. It does not include analysis of your astrological chart.

To benefit the most from this service, it is recommended to provide an approximate time of birth within a 2-3 hour range.

Price: $ 140

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